Annas Ateljé means Anna´s studio in Swedish. So welcome to my studio - where you can be a part of my creative process...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
In the spirit of... 2
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Portrait of Hilda - EDM #294
Well, here´s my EDM # 294 - Draw something that makes you smile... Well, it´s my youngest daughter Hilda and she does make me smile quite a lot... I did start this before the challenge came out, so it might be seen as kind of cheating, but I really thought it was a good fit! I have not practiced portrait drawing that much and this was made from a photo. I am quite happy with the likeness (well, it´s not perfect, but it is possible to see who it is :) but I think the colours are a bit weak maybe. The face doesn´t really stand out against the background.
Monday, October 11, 2010
In the spirit of.... #1
...Stina Wirsén. Sort of. Ink, collage and coloured pencils on paper.
This is an assignment for a corse that I take in illustration. The assignment is to do three illustrations in the spirit of another illustrator, inspired by some daily activity in your life. This is inspired by Swedish artist Stina Wirsén who make fantastic illustrations for childrens books, fashion magazines, newspapers..... The story in my first example above is me doing yoga to mentally run away from the stressful ordinary life in the city (right side) to some calm "inner place" or something, inspired by nature (left side). The text reads "andas" which means "breathe". I realize I should have turned it around since you usually read from left to right, but hey.... my life is a mess anyway ;)
Monday, October 4, 2010
EDM #290 Draw a teapot
As a small bonus I have drawn a traditional Swedish bakery called kanelbulle ("cinnamon bun", or similar. Translation help anyone?). I had to mention it since it happends to be the official day of the cinnamon bun - "kanelbullens dag" - in Sweden today. It makes me wonder... does everything have to have an official day now? Mother´s day and Father´s day I can buy, but honestly - "kanelbullens dag"???
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Coffe break...
I have had little time to draw lately, mostly due to my new job. I did do an EDM this weekend but I haven´t had the time to transfer it to the computer yet so have patience! This is a quick watercolour sketch that I did recently at a café in my old hometown Nyköping, while my little one was taking a nap.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Johanna x 3
Me and my friend Johanna decided to do a challenge in order to improve our portrait drawing skills. We are going to draw/paint 100 portraits of each other. So far, we are closing in on ten - perhaps somewhere around 90 it will actually start looking like her?
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Back from vacation
Sunday, June 27, 2010
A tube of toothpaste
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Watercolour greeting cards
Sunday, June 20, 2010
A little drawing demo...
Friday, June 18, 2010
Join the fight for a better world....
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
EDiM update....
Monday, May 31, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Same same, but different...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
EDiM 19&20
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
EDiM 18, the view from a window
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Blog news - nyheter om bakbloggen
Jag har bestämt mig för att dela på bloggen i en konstblogg (Annas ateljé, denna adress) som kommer att vara på engelska, och en bakblogg (Annas Bakstuga) på svenska. Från början hade jag tänkt att det skulle bli mer av en allmän skaparblogg med allt möjligt, men nu har det blivit mest två spår, och dessutom har jag flest konstföljaren på englelska och bakföljare på svenska så det verkar helt enkelt enklast med två! Välkommen att följa båda om ni vill!
Monday, May 17, 2010
EDiM 14-17- Finally caught up.....
EDM #14. Draw what you see when you wake up in the morning. Not very inspiring unfortunatley. Just an ordinary bedroom ceiling with an ordinary lamp. No panorama window with a view over the ocean or anything like that.... Ink and watercolour in Moleskin watercolour jounal.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
EDiM 10-13
Sunday, May 9, 2010
EDiM #9 and some notes from the course
Saturday, May 8, 2010
EDiM #6-7
Ok, I am a bit behind with the challenges... partly due to a course I am participating in this weekend with talanted artist Gunnel Moheim. More about that later. Here are challenges #6 (favourite object or childhood toy) and #7 (tin, jar or bottle from the kitchen) anyway. A couple of quick sketches I made with the kids jumping around in the couch so not going for perfection here.... It is my youngest daughters favourit toy by the way since I couldn´t think of a favourite object of my own. Amazing with all the stuff I own that I have nothing I really couldn´t live without!
This is part of the Everyday in May challenge - drawing an Everyday Matters (EDM)challenge each day using EDM 1-31. The list of participants in this particular May challenge can be found at Liz and Borrominis blog. The list of EDM challenges can be found here
Thursday, May 6, 2010
EDM #4&5
EDM #5, draw your bed. Well, this isn´t my usual bed. I spent the night in what might just have been the most boring hotel room I have ever seen. Not a single picture on the wall or anything. Thus the boring drawing, it just simply wasn´t more interesting than this...
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Every Day in May 1-3
I decided to try the Every Day in May challenge. The idea is to do one of the EDM drawings each day starting from #1. A really fun initiative, the list of participants can be found on Liz and Borromnis blog . I will really try to do a challenge a day, but I haven´t managed to post each day so far and I probably won't in the future either. I´ll try my best to keep up though. Sometimes I think the hardest part of the drawing challenges is finding the time to do them... I somehow seem to always either be at work, sleep, or carry at least one child around... And if my husband would take the kids out while I am home, or if I manage to stay awake after I put them to bed there always seems to be something else I should do, like cooking or cleaning or something else boring. And no, stop creating until the kids are grown up isn´t an option, I don´t think I could live without it... Advice anyone? Where do you (non-professional artists of course) find the time to draw?
EDM 270, Something I´d like to preserve
Ok, this one wasn´t hard for me. Something I´d like to preserve - Nature. The Environment. Earth. I did this quick sketch today at a picnic in the woods, close to the lake Mälaren, not far from where I live. It was such a nice day and such a beautiful spot. To sit near the beach, listen to the sea and the birds. To smell the wonderful fresh air and admire the little spring blossoms covering the ground. That´s life to me... I´d really hate it if my grandchildren wouldn´t be able to experience days like this because our generation won´t take responsibility for the problems our lifestyle have caused. To be honest, I am quite scared that my grandchildren won´t be able to walk the earth at all unless we start taking action now and change the way we live. Maybe the moral speech is a bit out of topic in this kind of blog, but think about it this way - where will the future generation of artists find their motives if everything is just desert... ;)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Tips för att torka sockerblommor

Monday, April 19, 2010
Weekly drawings 12-14